fruit color Agronike Fruit Color contains mineral and organic complexes such as organic acids, amino acids, phytohormones, vitamins B1, B12, and C, macro and micro elements, which are used to improve coloring, stimulate early maturity, increase fruit quality, and produce sugar. And. it is suitable and increases the synthesis of proteins and also plays a […]
View Productfruit set Agronike Fruit Set is a special fertilizer for increasing the number of flowers and the proportion of fruit in the plant. This fertilizer contains humic compounds, amino acids, macro and micro elements, etc. with a special formula. Agronike Fruit set is easily absorbed by the plant. The best time to use this product […]
View Productfruit size Agronike Fruit Size is a completely exclusive liquid fertilizer for increasing fruit size according to the plant’s nutritional needs. Agronike Fruit Size contains humic compounds, amino acids, macro and micro elements, which are suitable for increasing fruit size. Agronike Fruit Size is a compound completely soluble in water and suitable for foliar spraying […]
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