2- Agro Humic 95 Agrohumic 95 contains a high percentage of humic compounds (humic acid and fulvic acid), which are the most important components of soil humus. Agrohumic is used in agriculture, horticulture and green spaces alone or in combination with other macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and micronutrients (iron, zinc, etc.) fertilizers. Advantages: […]
View Product3- Biolem Humic acid 65% with nutrients Biolem humic acid powder, completely soluble in water, contains 65% concentrated humic composition along with some nutrients and the best natural chelating agent for metal elements in the soil. Humic acid is the best natural chelating agent for soil metal elements. Humic acid can directly have positive effects […]
View Product1- Liquid Agrohumic Liquid Agrohumic contains humic compounds (humic acid and fulvic acid), which are the most important components of soil humus. Agrohumic is prepared from rich Leonardite mines and is used in agricultural products, horticulture and green spaces alone or in combination with other high-consumption (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and low-consumption (iron, zinc, etc.) fertilizers. […]
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